Monday, February 20, 2012

Words of Wisdom from Prophet Muhammad SAW

Stay away from envy, for envy consuming good deeds as fire consuming wood

The best among you are those who have a certain most noble

Eat Stop Before Before Hunger and Satiety

Three destructive human nature is, files that followed, the passions that followed, as well as the nature of excessive self-admiration

Hero is not the one who dared to put his sword into the opponent's shoulders, but the real hero is the person who could overtake him he was angry when his

God does not see a way and form your possessions, but He sees your heart and charity

Love of God is the peak of love. Valley of love is the love of neighbor

Your character will appear on your words and actions

People with big hearts steadfast stance, but not stubborn

Give me your love for your Lord and pull your love for your Lord, you certainly will not be disappointed

Beautiful love like two hands clapping, would not it be wonderful if just next door

We would love to talk instinct that we adore, but do not always love what we worship

Oprimis someone who will see the opportunity in every calamity, while the pessimist sees calamity in every opportunity

Remember, it may be a human being to love anything that might harm him or hate him something useful. Ask His guidance

The true friend is someone who can speak the truth to you, not someone who simply justify your words

Working at the instigation of love would feel like nothing bored and tired

Big man on the path to the goal through great obstacles and difficulties

Be kind to others as doing good to yourself

A great man whose brain was not perfect but people are taking the best of imperfect brain

Improve themselves is a powerful tool to repair others

If someone does not love you Do not you hate him, because it probably will grow the seeds of love back

Love will crush anyone who follows the motion, but without the grinding of love, life was not beautiful

Not your intelligence, but rather the attitude that you are going to lift you in life

The struggle will mean little if one starts from yourself

If the sense of unrequited love, then be thankful that God has given life more precious with twelve of His Love

In a word, why do not you humble yourself, but in your ability to show activity

Firm different from cruel. Was firmly established in wisdom, while the hard cruel arbitrariness

If it's unrequited love for the bersukurlah, because you will be chosen for a better God

Strong character can not be assertive, but not rare gentleness be assertive

The nature of the high berlilmu is humbling to man and the fear of the Lord
