Saturday, July 26, 2014

10 Invaluable Things Money Can Never Buy

Money creeps into many of our conversations. We talk about how much we have or don’t have, how to spend it and how to save it.

We also think about it–what we would do if we had more. We worrying about not having enough, or how to deal with the money we have.

Money permeates all areas of our life. So much so that we might think that it is the most important thing in life. Although it is important to have money, there are some things in life that money cannot buy, no matter how much we have.

So what are those invaluable things that money cannot buy?

1. Time

The only moment of time that you truly have is right now. Once this moment is gone, it is gone and you can’t get it back. When you don’t use this moment to tell someone that you love them or forgive them you may never get another chance.

The same goes for opportunities. If a great opportunity comes your way and you pass it up, it may never come back again. The past keeps us stuck, the future is the field of opportunities, but now is the time for action.

2. Happiness

Happiness is a thought form. It is not something you can find outside of yourself. Happiness is not a thing, event, or person. It is a state of mind–something you choose.

Happiness is a quality to be discovered within yourself. Only you can give yourself lasting happiness.

Money can only buy fleeting happiness. It rarely lasts and soon you are searching for another happiness fix.

3. Love

Love is special. It is that magical feeling we all want. It is a feeling of being special, blessed, and cared for.

The sad truth is that it is not always easy to get.

It is perhaps one of the greatest feelings a person can have for another and it does not cost a dime. You simply have to be yourself and give love to everyone around you. What you give, you receive.

4. Wisdom

Wisdom comes from life’s experiences. The more you experience things and events in life the more you are aware of how things work or don’t.

It is through trial and error that you learn what you like or don’t, what works and doesn’t, what helps and what hinders. You gain wisdom through the lessons learned from mistakes. Money can never buy these valuable pearls of wisdom. They only come from experience.

5. Talent

Everyone is born with a unique talent. For some it very obvious, as in the music prodigy who picks up a violin at age three and begins to play. For others it may take more time to uncover. Regardless of whether it is immediately obvious or not, we all have that one thing that we are very good at.

Discovering your natural talent is a gift which no amount of money can buy.

6. Curiosity

Young children are filled with curiosity. They want to know why, they take things apart to see what is inside, they explore fearlessly and they ask questions with blunt honesty.

As adults much of this natural curiosity has been conditioned out and is replaced by fear. Those individuals who have maintained their natural curiosity are the movers and shakers of our world. Money did not buy their success, their curiosity did.

7. Trust

Trust an essential human value that is at the heart of all relationships. Trust is a choice we make towards another when they have earned our confidence.

It can be difficult to acquire and, when damaged, is even harder to regain. Money can’t buy back someone’s trust when it has been broken. You can only reclaim it through actions.

8. Life purpose

Everyone has a purpose in life. It can be something as basic as being an honest person or as complicated as running a country.

Your life purpose comes from within. It is that which makes you feel great and something you love doing. You know you are following your life’s purpose when you can get up in the morning ready and eager to face the day. You are happy, positive and energetic. This feeling is not dependant on money; it comes from from an inner drive that says, “I love doing this!”

9. Life

Life, or the essence of being alive, is a miracle. It is a miracle that we don’t give much notice to. Mostly, it is taken for granted. We are born. We live each day without much awareness of all the miraculous things happening in our body. It is only when something is not functioning well that we pay attention.

Life is not dependent on money. Money can help to keep it healthy, but the essence of life itself does not require money. It is a gift!

10. Choice

This space is for you to add your choice for the most invaluable thing that money can never buy.
