Man- At-Arms ( also called armsman or coistrel ) is the term Middle Ages to a soldier professionals . It is a term relating to the service as a cavalry heavy armor . It could refer to knights or nobles , or members of the group they are, who are well equipped and trained ( that comes from having men under arms - which means to be trained in the use weapons ) when the cavalry armored serve as . Knights of the term and the man-at-arms are often used interchangeably , but while all the knights of the man-at-arms , not all man-at-arms were knights .
Because the hierarchy of military medieval Europe, and the importance of the knight in the system of feudal Europe, a professional soldier of great importance and social significance . Tools military when it is very expensive, and high-quality war gear such as armor letter represents a major investment . Therefore, an army of professional the wear metal gear full to battle ( including helmet and coif ) is a representation of wealth and status . The men were more well-equipped knights have been at the party , stood her better local . Because disturbances in combat and civilian endemic of 12 - Century 14 , War Hundred Years' and the border of Scotland and Wales , military status is very important, and can guarantee the survival of some families .
In some countries , like France , man-at-arms ( gens d' armes ) a paramilitary with the task of the police.
There , corps of the military have a duty as was first created in 1337 and placed under the command of the police France ( connétable ) , and therefore named connétablie . In 1626 after the abolition of titles connétable , was put under the command of Marechal French , and was renamed Maréchaussée . Mission of the main is to protect the road from robbers .
The gens d' armes originally heavy cavalry in the household the king , the equivalent of " Corps Honor of Gentlemen at Arms " . In 1720 maréchaussée is subordinated to the gendarmerie , after the French Revolution maréchaussée was abolished and the gendarmerie took over the job in 1791 .
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